Dr. Sound – the big final at the music hall followed by an exciting city-walk

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11:00 am

The big final of the four superbe children concerts takes place at the most amazing music hall of Hamburg. Whilst the smaller events shjowed off with a professional quartett or quintett the final will be played by the Hamurg Symphoniker. For our children it is going to be the first classical concert in such a top-class environment and it is definitely going to be a memorable event in their lives. Dr. Sound can be trusted to keep the show light with his clowny little interruptions and interpretations of the music. There where children of 4 schools participating in the shows and they will all be coming together in the final.

The concert will take around 90 minutes, so it will be half past 12 and we will be surely heading for some lunch right afterwards, most preferred in the Portuguese Quarter below the church Michel. The simple restaurants there are all children-friendly and neither laughter nor grumbling of a toddler will cause any raised eyebrows. Apart from that, the food is delicious – mostly seafood. Our children will thrive to get their legs moving after the long sitting in concert chairs, so we will walk (run) down the tiny streets Pilatuspohl / Kohlhöfen towards the Großneumarkt. Cross the market palce (take a little peek into the historical pharmacy Pelikan-Apotheke and cross the the huge Willy-Brandt-Strasse to get to the church Michel. Behind the church is a big meadow slightly going downhill and a pond. Perfect for running around. You will find lots of food places in the Ditmar Koehl-Strasse.

If you had not enough after lunch I recommend to do some window shopping at Chr. Weimeister, a shop that sells all kinds of harbour related oddities. It’s right at the end of the Ditmar-Koehl-Strasse. And ofcourse the Landungsbrücken are very teasing to complete the day with a walk along the piers. It is a lot of fun to run down the actual bridges, listening to the sound your footsteps are making. A lot of fun! Guaranteed!

Btw: the bus line 112 brings you back directly to the Laeiszhalle, departing from Landungsbrücken!