Dr. Sound and his music detectives

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Children concerts 3 concerts at each the below locations stzarting 3:30 pm: Bergstedter Stadtteilschule Start 31.01. Eidelstedter Bürgerhaus Start 06.02. Fabrik Altona Start 01.02. Jenfeld Haus Start 07.02. Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg Start 08.02. The final (and 4th) concert is hold in … Continued

A river is lifted

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Schiffshebewerk Lüneburg / Scharnebek Altendorfer Strasse 21379 Scharnebeck A lift for vessels?? No. Two!! Where the Elbe river otherwise would need to climb stairs to overcome a difference in height of 38 m the ship hoist Lüneburg / Scharnebek lifts … Continued