Dr. Sound and his music detectives

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Children concerts

3 concerts at each the below locations stzarting 3:30 pm:

Bergstedter Stadtteilschule Start 31.01.

Eidelstedter Bürgerhaus Start 06.02.

Fabrik Altona Start 01.02.

Jenfeld Haus Start 07.02.

Bürgerhaus Wilhelmsburg Start 08.02.

The final (and 4th) concert is hold in the great Laeszhalle, Hamburg’s beautiful music hall.


Children 6-12

We have attended this concert series last year and this year we’ll be going again. Dr. Sound is a famous (very silly) sound researcher and always on the track for interesting sounds he captures in paper bags. These are sweet flute sounds just like bee humm, Laola waves or … farts. This time the story is around a real crime: The sound and noise archives of Dr. Sound were robbed! In many years of work and with the support of his sound agents (children from diverse schools), he had filed hundreds of outrageous, historical or unprecedented sounds and noises in sound bags. Outside the archive, the sounds and noises are only perishable a very short time. And: a spoilt sound bag is not only irretrievably destroyed – it is also a real pain in the ear for anyone who opens them. The children from different schools in Hamburg support Dr. Sound as sound detectives.

The concerts are a real mixture of wonderful classical music, played by professional musicians from the Elbphilharmonie, interrupted (when completed) by Dr. Sound and its fast-talking comedy. I was actually really positively impressed about the music’s quality. So we go again.

And if you miss one concert, well, the story is not overly complicated.

Here’s the link to the website of Elbphilharmonie and short movie gives a good impression as to what to expect: