Eisenbahnfreunde Schwarzenbek e.V.
Röntgenstrasse 24 , 21493 Schwarzenbek
What the Miniatur Wunderland in the HafenCity is for Hamburg, is the miniature world of the railway enthusiasts for Schwarzenbek, about 20 minutes east of Hamburg. The Miniatur Wunderland is already known around the world now and has yet awakened the desire to build these miniature worlds ourselves. But…who has a room big and not otherwise occupied by the parents, for example, with a car. In Schwarzenbek anybody is welcome to help build the little worlds. Young and old people create something beautuiful together and this creates mutual understanding. And is fun! Because something really big is created. The attention to detail, however, is necessary and a little perseverance, because a new goat shed will not be stuck together within just one hour.
For all curious visitors, the club hosts a big celebration on Sunday, 23rd August. Children are allowed to handle the trains, and there are two real fire engines to marvel at and climbing on. Have you ever put on a fireman’s hat? Well, try! In the driving seat of a giant wreckar little men feels really big and mighty. And you can go up into the air with the mobile truck crane. Incidentally, Thomas the Tank Engine, and Edward, his friend will be there. And Henry and Gordon are in the engine shed and wait for their insert. And who plays the thick checker Mr. Percival?
For all those for which all that technology is yet meaningless, or who otherwise need a littl espace to rant around the club has organized a bouncing castle. Barbecued saussages and beef as weel as self-made cake will be served.